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In accordance with New Jersey Code Blue Legislation, when the National Weather Service forecast temperatures reaching 32 degrees (32°F) or lower, Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Management will issue an alert to all 53 municipalities and appropriate social services agencies. The Code Blue Alert is also shared with local media, social media outlets and the NJ Statewide Homeless Hotline, 211 or 877-652-1148. The Code Blue Alert is generally posted before the onset of freezing temperatures.
Individuals Seeking Shelter
The Code Blue Alert directs local authorities to make shelter or warming centers available for individuals who are homeless or unsheltered.
During business hours contact Monmouth County Division of Social Services 732-431-6000 ext. 4613
During off business hours contact NJ 211 by dialing 211 or 877-652-1148 or contact your local police department.
The Office of Emergency Management is the unit of local government created under New Jersey law to provide for the health, safety and welfare of our citizens during times of emergency and disaster. Severe weather, floods, hurricanes, chemical spills, explosions, building collapse and plane crashes can all happen at any time.
The main focus of the Office of Emergency Management is to coordinate actions to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from the effects of an emergency. The Borough Council of the Borough of Union Beach appoints an Emergency Management Coordinator and two Deputy Coordinators to prepare disaster management plans, declare a "state of emergency" if needed, and coordinate the responses of emergency personnel within the Borough.
The Emergency Management Plan establishes emergency procedures and coordinates activities involving Alerts and Warnings, Damage Assessment, an Emergency Operations Center, Evacuations, Fire and Rescue, Hazardous Materials, Law Enforcement, Public Works, Public Health, Resource Management, Radiological Protection, Shelters and Social Services Reception and Care along with Memorial School.
This office is also responsible for providing the public with up to the minute information on all disasters and emergencies as needed through its radio station at 1610am.
- Family Disaster Plan
- Monmouth County Sheriff's Office News Release (pdf)
- Monmouth County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Planning Project