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Union Beach Emergency Medical Services
Chief Chris Tuberion | President Jarred Woodhead |
Captain Carly Lewandowski | Vice President Michael DeRupo |
Lieutenant Russell Langill | Secretary Odette Alves |
Lieutenant Thomas Weldon | Treasurer Chris Tuberion |
Applications are available below or can be picked up at Police Headquarters!
Union Beach Emergency Medical Services , chartered in June of 1939, is a fully volunteer, 501c (3) organization. Our organization provides 24/7 Emergency Medical Services to the population of Union Beach, as well as supplementing the response of agencies in surrounding municipalities. The squad receives municipal contributions, but relies strongly on donations and fundraising to sustain our day to day operations including medical supply orders, vehicle and building maintenance, fuel, as well as ambulance replacement/purchasing. The operations aspect of the squad is managed by the Operational Line officers who coordinate call response, call records management, supplies management, vehicle maintenance, as well as numerous other responsibilities. The Administrative board presides over our organizational meetings, manages our finances, and records all business and matters conducted. Our Board of Trustees are responsible for ensuring that our organization follows the policies that have been established and that we adhere to our mission of providing qualitative emergency medical care in an efficient and timely manner to those in need.
Our organization offers training to all of our members both in house, and with respected agencies and companies. Many training opportunities offered are entirely free, and the knowledge you gain is yours to keep forever. Being a part of our organization is a great opportunity to meet people, establish friendships, and provide a much needed service to the community. We meet regularly for our business meetings, training, fundraising as well as many other activities. The most integral part of our organization and mission is the members that continue to make it all happen. Every one of the individuals on our rolls makes a difference in progressing our agency and maintaining our dedication to the mission; to be there in someone’s time of need, at no cost.
Are you looking to be a part of this team?
Please reach out!
Applications are available at the bottom of this page or stop by Union Beach Police and grab one in person!
Do not hesitate to reach out to us via email with any questions you may have about membership, its requirements, and the benefits that come along with it.
Contact Email: membership@unionbeachems.com Link to Interest Form